The CMT2310A is an ultra-low power, high-performance, OOK / 2 (G)FSK / 4 (G)FSK based Wi-SUN RF transceiver, applicable to various applications within the 113 - 960 MHz frequency band. The product is part of the CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM product family which covers a complete product line consisting of transmitters, receivers and transceivers. The high-density integration of CMT2310A simplifies the required BOM in system design. With Tx power reaching +20 dBm and sensitivity reaching -122 dBm, it can achieve optimized performance of application RF links. Through providing multiple data packet formats and code methods, this product ensures the flexible supporting of various applications. Besides, the CMT2310A provides functions such as 128-byte Tx/Rx FIFO, multiple GPIO and interrupt configurations, Duty-Cycle mode, LBT(listen before talk), high-precision RSSI, LBD, power on reset, low-frequency clock output, quick frequency hopping, squelch, etc., which allows more flexible application design and gains more product differentiation capability.
Automatic meter reading
Home security and building automation
ISM-band data communication
Industrial monitoring and control
Remote control and security system
Remote key entry
Wireless sensor node
Tag reader and writer
Product Type:
RF ChipT/R:
2(G)FSK/4(G)FSK/OOKMaximumData Rate:
0.2-1000Kbps(4FSK) 0.1-500Kbps(2FSK) 0.1-300Kbps(OOK)Frequency Range:
113-960MHz Sub-1GHzSensitivity:
-122dBmOutput Power:
QFNCMT2310A-RF_EB rev003_sch
CMT2310A rev003 868 20
CMT2310A rev003 868 13
CMT2310A rev003 433 20
CMT2310A rev003 433 13
AN241-CMT2310A-EB Evaluation Board User Guide-V0.6
AN239_Using guide for CMT2310A auto-transceiver function_V0.8
AN238 CMT2310A RFParameterConfigurationGuide-EN-V0.7-202304
AN236 CMT2310A_Register_Description-EN-V0.8-202304
AN235 CMT2310A_FIFO_and_Packet_Format_Usage_Guide-EN-V0.8-202304